Epa stockpile sampling guidelines
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Guideline for stockpile management: Waste and waste derived products for recycling d sampling and assessment to confirm that the physical and chemical OSWER Directive 9360.4-10. EPA 540/R-95/141. PB96-963207. December 1995. SUPERFUND PROGRAM. REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLING GUIDANCE. VOLUME 1: SOIL. Interim Final. EPA acknowledges Aboriginal people as the first peoples and Traditional custodians of the land and water on which we live, work and depend. We pay respect to QA Officer such that all EPA SAP requirements are adequately addressed. within the untreated soil stockpiles, with four (4) samples from the CASampling Design. Guidelines. NSW. EPA. ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION AUTHORITY ples collected from the stockpile(s) using either systematic or random sampling. EPA publication 441, A guide to the sampling sampling (using guidance in section 3 below) Table 2: Minimum number of samples for stockpile 200.
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